Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall in Bulgaria

Snow fell last week on Mount Vitosha, and now patches of white peek out from behind morning clouds as we drive to work. The leaves in Sofia turn a little yellower each day, and the trees on the surrounding range, below the snowline, are blushing deep red and orange.

This morning as we walked down Graf Ignatiev, our bags laden with dried pineapple, macadamia nuts, plums, and fresh Dutch Noel bread, a man came running by us, dressed in a white sleeveless shirt. Wait, a sleeveless shirt in forty five degree weather? 

He pushed a large wheeled cart in front of him, dozens of slabs of steaming roasted squash spread out on its platform, destined for his table at the market. Bulgaria really is the place for produce - the watermelon stands have given way to piles of pumpkins on the corners, the boiled corn stands continue a year round trade, and now fresh roasted pears, apples, and squash feed cold passers-by with leva to spare. 

By the way, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. We're bringing chocolate dipped Greek bread and a pan of Pat Miller's apple crisp to our CT Potluck - how are you celebrating? 

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